Sunday, October 4, 2009

If we have been pleased with life, then we should not be displeased with death.

Well I haven't updated all through my adventures in British Columbia. Being pages deep in my journal I don't have the attention span to fill everyone in on the details. So instead I'll be posting my trip thus far photographically in chronological order. I've only managed to upload the first couple days so far, and will complete my trip up to the present later this evening as this has already usurped most of my morning. I will say however, that made some very wonderful friends in Vancouver whom I hope to stay connected with for some time. If any of you might happen to be reading this, you're all more than welcome to impose on me for an unannounced week whenever you find yourself wherever I end up.

I began at Union Station in LA.
_MG_1155[1] by you.
_MG_1164[1] by you._MG_1166[1] by you.
_MG_1175[1] by you._MG_1176[1] by you._MG_1177[1] by you._MG_1184[1] by you.

A nice Korean Christian minister shared his vegetarian sushi and rice cakes with me. X{D
_MG_1192[1] by you._MG_1246[1] by you._MG_1259[1] by you.

This is Kat and Liz, we sung songs on the train. Kat and her husband where nice enough to let me stay for the night while I waited for my misplaced bike to arrive.
_MG_1266[1] by you._MG_1276[1] by you._MG_1312[1] by you._MG_1315[1] by you.

This is Kat's and Pete's house.
_MG_1316[1] by you.

This is the bus to Vancouver.
_MG_1331[1] by you.

...and the border...
_MG_1334[1] by you._MG_1338[1] by you.

When I arrived I happened upon this little shindig in the park I was planing on camping in.
_MG_1353[1] by you._MG_1360[1] by you.

...and ended up at the after party...
_MG_1364[1] by you.

As a result I found a place to stay.
_MG_1371[1] by you.

My new friends and I rode around the Seawall and Stanley Park.
_MG_1443[1] by you._MG_1383[1] by you._MG_1388[1] by you._MG_1395[1] by you._MG_1406[1] by you._MG_1423[1] by you._MG_1436[1] by you._MG_1439[1] by you._MG_1449[1] by you._MG_1450[1] by you._MG_1454[1] by you._MG_1458[1] by you.IMG_1490[1] by you.
_MG_1588[1] by you._MG_1601[1] by you.

A wonderful dinner...
_MG_1554[1] by you.

...prepared by Coralie.
_MG_1555[1] by you.

TBA: Granville public market, unicycles, basketballs, more scenery, and more food.

"What did you do with this divine asset, Life?...You made no attempt to live it outside the meanest terms. You played safe according to the most selfish rules. You took care to see that everything you did was done with 'clean hands, in clean shirts, and with French phrases.' You never put your foot wrong and so you never stepped out of your rut. Your life has been most simple and commonplace-and most horrifying."


  1. lovin it dude. can't wait to see you when you pass through eugene.

  2. i loved my bike ride around stanley park. i hope to go again really soon!
